Saturday, May 22, 2010

Blue Boy Aromas – A Real Rain Maker

Every once in a great while, we as consumers discover a new product that really wows us. Quite recently, I experienced such a discovery in the form of a brand of poppers called Blue Boy aromas. I realize I’m a bit late to catch this train, as this brand has been around for ages. Borne out of Canada, this brand features all of the characteristics that any real poppers connoisseur looks for.

First off, they’re strong. Just a couple of whiffs from a bottle containing these isobutyl nitrite poppers is bound to send you into orbit. Really, in a perfect world any brand of real poppers should be able to accomplish this. Nevertheless, most brands these days fail miserably. But not Blue Boy!! Aromas like these are, unfortunately, few and far between. Blue Boy Poppers classic scent is one of the highest quality brands on today’s market. They are specially distilled in order to provide complete purity and 100% strength.

Secondly, they’re fairly readily available. After doing some research, I figured out why I was so slow on the draw to discover Blue Boy aromas or Blue Boy Liquid Incense, as the official name on the label reads. In the past, this particular brand could only be found at a limited number of shops, mostly in Canada and Europe. But thanks to the emergence and growth of the Internet over the last 15 years, one can pop into pretty much any Web shop that sells poppers online and find Blue Boy ready and waiting to be purchased. Online vendors of aroma products are typically quite clever in that they figure out which brands sell best and they stick with them. It’s obvious by the sheer number of resellers that carry Blue Boy Aroma that this brand is a true rain maker for them.

Thirdly, they’re affordable. One can typically find a bottle of Blue Boy online, especially at a portal run by someone who specializes in “gay” poppers, for right around 10 Euros. A lot of today’s manufacturers are trying new ways to trick the consumer into thinking he needs to pay more than necessary for a good bottle of strong poppers. For example, a lot of them think that by adding a word like “premium” or “ultra” on the label, a consumer is automatically going to be willing to shell out the extra bucks mandated by the item’s hefty price tag. The manufacturers of Blue Boy Aroma, however, have avoided stooping to this level.

At the end of the day, I’m extremely thankful to have come across such a wonderful find as Blue Boy aromas. Their strength and quality speak for themselves, as evidenced by the huge number of consumers who choose to purchase this particular brand. The fact that I can find them online so easily, and that they don’t cost me 20 Euros per bottle or more, makes them all that much more attractive to me.